The story of a hotel staff who gave batting advice to the great Sachin Tendulkar - Cricket legend. Leadership lessons from Sachin. you don’t want to learn the hard way.
Although the story is about cricket. Do not let fear of the unknown dampen your curiosity, read on. Let serendipity work its magic.
Sachin recalled a conversation with hotel staff at Taj Coromandel- Chennai in 2001. The hotel staff had pointed out a problem with the cricketer’s game and the maestro expressed his interest to meet him after nearly 20 years on Twitter.
According to Sachin, the hotel staff approached him with hesitation.
“He said I want to discuss something with you about cricket."
"He said that your bat swing changes whenever I see you wear an arm guard.
And I don't think I had spoken about this to anyone in the world. I was the only person aware of that, and this waiter said I am a huge fan, and rewind your batting 5-7 times and watch every ball multiple times.
That is why I thought your bat swing changed a bit when you wore an elbow guard.
And I said yes, you are the only person in the world who has figured out that.
But you won't believe it, after that, I redesigned my elbow guard according to the correct size and padding required. But he was the only one."
Sachin went on to score 200 in the next series in South Africa with redesigned elbow guard.
Sachin was reunited with hotel staff Guruprasad after twenty years.
What are the Leadership lessons?
1. Great insights, wisdom, or ideas do not come with labels, they can come from anyone anywhere. Do not reject a good idea just because it is from an unexpected source.
2. Experts never claim to be one because there is no such thing as perfection, it is always a journey and never a destination.
3. Aspire to “Learn-it- all because the learn-it-all does better than the know-it-all.”
4. Leaders are self-aware, they know leadership position is a privilege and not an entitlement.
Take it easy until next time. Learn and Laugh every day.
Note: Views are personal and certainly not investment advice. Join my learning journey, follow Guru Padmanabhan
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