Guru’s Blogs
State of Financial Markets – TINA is Back in America. The Champagne Cascade is overflowing with abundance. What’s Next? Top 10 Facts and Trends
TINA: short for "There Is No Alternative," describes the prevailing sentiment that investors have little choice but to buy U.S. equities. This phenomenon continues to dominate as global markets offer limited competing opportunities.
2024 – And That’s a Wrap: Timeless thoughts for reflections this holiday season
1. Future is unknowable: No one knows what tomorrow holds, no matter how intelligent they may be—natural or artificial.
2. Success is deceptive: Success might trick you into believing you can predict the future, but history is filled with evidence to the contrary.
Movies will watch you while you watch. Books will read you while you read.
The next generation of movies will be interactive. The movie will observe you as you watch it, adapting in real-time to deliver a personalized experience that meets your expectations—changing the storyline, altering the pace, and adjusting the emotional journey just for you.
You can’t live without infringing on the rights of others, you will die of starvation. Who has the right to live? Here’s an intriguing old Indian story to ponder.
A hungry Tiger is chasing a Deer.
The king happens to be in the forest.
Whose right should the king protect?
Roger Federer did not win a single tournament between 2013 and 2016.
In the first year of his slump, Federer tried to recapture his old form by doing what had always worked for him. He kept pushing himself, but it only led to repeated injuries and underperformance.
The Rule of 72: A simple rule that will change the way you think about money. It's a lesson we should introduce to our children early in life.
The Rule of 72 helps estimate how long it takes for your money to double based on a fixed annual return.
We often confuse simple and easy. We think that simple means easy, and easy means simple. But, according to Rich Hickey, they are two different things.
The word "complex" originates from "complect," meaning "to braid or weave things together." Something complex is intertwined with other things, making it dependent and bound.
In an old New York building, a slow elevator(Lift) sparked a wave of frustration—tenants threatened to cancel leases, and engineers were stumped.
Engineering firms were called in: one suggested installing a faster motor, and another proposed completely dismantling the old life and installing a new one.
Babies don’t learn to walk by reading a book, and you didn’t learn to ride a bicycle by studying a manual. Read on — you don’t want to learn about learning the hard way.
The greatest teacher is “Mother Nature” herself. The best lessons aren’t found in textbooks but out in the open wilderness.
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." – Mark Twain. Why is traditional education failing to prepare kids for real life?
Perfect grades may be the goal in school, but in life, steady progress is far more valuable than the pursuit of perfection.
How a Small Upgrade Transformed London Underground’s Customer Satisfaction
A simple, inexpensive upgrade led to a dramatic improvement in customer satisfaction for the London Underground.
Your success lies at the intersection of science and pseudoscience, timed just right. While timing isn’t always in your control, learning both science and pseudoscience is within your reach.
Science is nature’s language—immutable and beyond human interference.
Run to the Roar – An Old Story from Africa (You Don’t Want to Learn the Hard Way)
Lions hunt in packs. When they go out to hunt, they bring along the oldest female in the pride.
The wit, wisdom, and humor of Albert Einstein. The brief anecdote offers the greatest lesson on how the world works." Read on for laughs and a reality check.
After the exam, one of his assistants pointed out that the questions on the paper were the same as those from the previous year’s exam. Concerned, the assistant asked Einstein if it was a mistake.
The Journey from "Nothing to Lose" to "Losing Does Not Matter" and Everything In Between: Where Are You and Why Should You Know About It?
A person with nothing to lose fears nothing. When you are fearless, anything and everything becomes possible. This fearlessness often sparks the greatest innovations and breakthroughs.
“Neti Neti” – “Neither this, Nor that”- To particularize is to falsify. Why does this ancient phrase matter to you?
“Neti Neti” is a Sanskrit expression dating back at least 3,500 years. It serves as an analytical framework for understanding the ultimate reality of the universe through a process of negation.
76% of NVIDIA employees are millionaires, it is crazy that 37% are worth over $20 million—the staggering pace and scale of growth will certainly impact you. Read on for second-order impact.
More than 50% of S&P 500 and NASDAQ returns in the past 24 months is solely driven by NVIDIA. It will impact your pension and investments.
What is the connection between the discovery of fire by humans and AI stock valuation?
The use of fire by humans separated us from the other Animals. “Use of Fire” is the earliest form of Natural intelligence.
The wit, wisdom, and optimism of President Ronald Regan. President Regan’s favourite story, he narrated the story at least a thousand times during the presidency.
Worried that the boys had developed extreme personalities – one was a total pessimist, the other a total optimist – their parents took them to a psychiatrist.
The story of Tesla’s senior executives falling into the “IKEA effect”. Why you should know about it? What are the lessons?
Michael Norton – a Harvard Business School professor- asked senior Tesla executives to put together Lego sets meant for three-year-olds – really big blocks, not the little ones intended for the older kids.