"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." – Mark Twain. Why is traditional education failing to prepare kids for real life?

1. Perfection vs. Progress:
Perfect grades may be the goal in school, but in life, steady progress is far more valuable than the pursuit of perfection.

2. Intensity vs. Consistency:
Cramming works for exam grades, but life rewards consistent effort over time. Consistently doing simple things well over a long time delivers outsized results.

3. Scheduled vs. Surprise:
In school, tests are scheduled. In life, the toughest tests arrive unexpectedly.

4. Certainty vs. Uncertainty:
While school provides a structured syllabus and a sense of certainty, life often lacks a clear roadmap. Uncertainty is a constant companion, shaping our journeys in unexpected ways

5. Fads vs. Fundamentals:
While trends like influencers and YouTubers may come and go, long-term success relies on mastering the fundamentals.

6. Financially Illiterate Despite Being Literate:
Despite graduating with a degree in Electrical Engineering, I was financially illiterate and had no idea how to handle my first paycheck.

Unfortunately, not much has changed, money management is still not taught in schools, crucial for real-world success.

7. Individual Achievement vs. Teamwork:
In school, it's all about individual achievement, but in life, success is a collective effort.

It's the result of people coming together to pursue common goals. Learning to collaborate, confront, inspire, listen, and lead is a non-negotiable skill set.

Being part of a sports team—any sport—teaches invaluable life lessons that no book can match.

8. Finally, Success is about maintaining the physical and mental lifestyle your parents provided, but true achievement is when you surpass it, especially your mental lifestyle.

Learn to live with less, relish the truly priceless freedom.

That is it for today, take it easy until next time.

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Note: Some colleagues have mentioned that they aren’t seeing my blogs in their feeds. Unfortunately, I don't control the distribution. Should I consider using newsletters or maintaining a blog outside of LinkedIn? What are your thoughts?


Babies don’t learn to walk by reading a book, and you didn’t learn to ride a bicycle by studying a manual. Read on — you don’t want to learn about learning the hard way.


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