In an old New York building, a slow elevator(Lift) sparked a wave of frustration—tenants threatened to cancel leases, and engineers were stumped.
But the solution to the problem wasn’t what anyone expected.
Engineering firms were called in: one suggested installing a faster motor, and another proposed completely dismantling the old lift and installing a new one.
Each solution seemed more impractical than status quo.
A wise old resident from the building wondered why the residents were so furious.
It wasn't the lift as much as the sheer boredom of waiting for a lift in a queue for over two minutes.
Two minutes! And no one could wait as long doing nothing. It seemed like an eternity!
he recommended that a few mirrors be installed in the lift lobby so that people could look at themselves and keep busy for 2 minutes
And soon after, the complaints all stopped.
Is there a mirror installed near and inside your office and apartment elevator?
Now you know
Not all solutions are intuitive.
Master your mind, do let the machine be your master.
Mind will always win over the machines.
Spend time with your mind wandering without machines, and experience the magic of creativity.
That is it for today, take it easy until next time.
Note: My blogs are “Notes to Self”—a way to bookmark inspirations, learning, and random ponderings.
Read all my “Notes to Self” at view all blogs.