2024 – And That’s a Wrap: Timeless thoughts for reflections this holiday season

1. Future is unknowable: No one knows what tomorrow holds, no matter how intelligent they may be—natural or artificial.

2. Success is deceptive: Success might trick you into believing you can predict the future, but history is filled with evidence to the contrary.

3. Gratitude: Savour the present moment and be grateful for what you have today.

4. Celebrate your uniqueness: You exist in this universe because of your uniqueness. Every living being has distinct DNA. Don’t try to become someone else.

5. Run your own race: Do not compare or compete; focus on being the best version of yourself.

6. Prioritize Wisely: The man who chases two rabbits catches neither. You can solve or optimize, but not both simultaneously.

7. Wealth is Cyclical: The world’s size and mass have remained unchanged throughout recorded history. By extension, wealth remains constant and cyclical. Equity and debt periodically inflate or deflate asset prices, creating an endless loop that generates employment, ego and wealth on the way up, only to destroy them on the way down.

8. Lifelong Learning: “Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.” – Leonardo da Vinci

9. The Gift of Attention: "Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity." – Simone Weil

10. Perspectives on Human Behaviour: “Psychology is a theory of human behaviour. Philosophy is an ideal of human behaviour. History is a record of human behaviour.” – Will Durant

11. Busyness kills creativity: “The secret to doing good thinking is always free leisure time. You waste years by not being able to waste hours.” – Amos Tversky

12. Learn from the dead: “The dead outnumber the living 14 to 1, and we ignore the accumulated experience of such a huge majority of mankind at our peril.” – Niall Ferguson

13. Strongest warriors: “The strongest of all warriors are these two—time and patience.” – Leo Tolstoy

14. Expectations vs. Resilience: “People with very high expectations have very low resilience.” – Jensen Huang

15. Embrace Imperfection: “Once you accept and embrace that you’re not perfectly rational, that you are a little insecure, and that you do have a bit of an ego, you can manage decisions around that reality rather than pretending they don’t exist.” – Morgan Housel

That is it for today, take it easy until next time.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Wishing you a reflective and inspiring end to 2024!

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Note: Views are personal. My blogs are “Notes to Self”—a way to bookmark inspirations, learning, and random ponderings.

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